Wednesday, August 27, 2008

23 Weeks

Well, we're over halfway there! Everything is going pretty well. I'm very happy the heat wave is over though. That was not a comfortable time for me. :(
Avalee is doing well and is moving up a storm. I joked to Colin she must have really liked the gymnastics during the Olympics, because every time it came on she was doing her own backflips!
Z is always asking what's in my belly and when I ask him what he thinks, he says "A baby sister!" He talks to her all the time saying, "Hi Avalee. It's me Zavion. Your big brother. I love you." It's super-cute and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it, though I suspect it's just a stage and soon he will start getting annoyed with all the baby talk again.
Tonight Z was playing football with Colin and suddenly decided to stuff the ball under his shirt. I thought it was adorable, but Colin was (of course) alarmed. ;0) We asked who he looked liked and he said, "Mom!"


  1. He is cute no matter what he does!!
    I love that look!

  2. Just wait till she is born...he won't talk nice anymore!

  3. We need more blogs! It's been almost a month!


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