Friday, December 5, 2008

One Week left...

It’s hard to believe, but we’re only one week away from our delivery date. These last few weeks (well, months!) have just flown by, and I can hardly believe we’ll be meeting Avalee in just one week!
We’re very excited, but a little anxious too. Although Z seems to be taking everything pretty well most of the time, he has moments that concern us. He will get jealous if Colin talks to A and sometimes tells us he’s a baby, not a big boy. We’ve been trying to prepare him as much as possible, and of course spend as much time with him as we can. Last week, he and I went on a ‘date’ to McDonalds. I explained to him what will happen before A comes, and that he will stay with Grandma and Grandpa while Colin and I are in the hospital. He told me he wanted to stay with me, and not to leave him. That broke my heart, but I told him he can come to the hospital every day, that we’ll still read to him and that Daddy will take him out to lunch even.
We have also told him he gets to be the first person to hold her (after Mom & Dad) and he seems very excited about that.
Monday, we’re going to take a tour of the hospital to show him where we will be staying and let him take a peek at the new babies.
I will miss our little family of three, but I’m so excited to start a new chapter in our lives as a family of four!
So, Friday is the big day and everyone is welcome to come visit us after the surgery. We should be settled into a room by noon, and welcome visitors. :0) We will most likely leave the hospital on Monday.
Hope to see you soon! :0)

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