So, the first couple weeks of July were pretty much consumed by our family reunion (on my mom's side.) We have a one day reunion/potluck and my mom has been organizing/planning them since before I was born. Once I turned about 10, I started helping too, and from them on it's pretty much been Mom and I planning them (with help from Mercedes, Colin, my dad & even Z too, of course). It takes a lot of work putting it together (besides the potluck we also have carnival games for the kids, a raffle, piƱatas for all ages & bingo) and we kept ourselves pretty busy getting ready for it on the 12th. It was an unusually rainy, overcast day, but we still had lots of fun! Avalee got to meets lots of news Aunts, Uncles and cousins and was held by someone all day. She also received lots of compliments about how cute she is and how happy she is all the time. Of course, she thanked everyone by giving them lots of smiles and raspberries. ;0)
Z going fishing at one of the carnival games
Z's going after the pinata!
Avalee 'helping' Grandpa sell raffle tickets
The day after the reunion (everyone usually takes the day off to recuperate!) we went to Enchanted Forest, which is a great local theme park in a storybook style. I loved going there when I was a kid and much of it is still the same. It was Z's first time going and he loved it! Some of his favorite attractions were also mine as a child; the 'Old Lady Who Lived In A Shoe' slide and the rabbit hole. Avalee enjoyed looking at some of the storybook figures, but was happy to just being riding around in her stroller. I know she'll come to enjoy it just as much as Z did as she gets older.
Not the best pic, but the three of us had a blast going down the slide!
Z going in the rabbit hole with Dad
We also had the county fair, which we took the kids too. We entered Avalee into the 'Pretty Baby' contest for fun, and she 'won' second prize for darkest eyes. :0) Z had participated in the same contest as a baby too, and won first prize for prettiest smile. Avalee couldn't care less that she won; she just had a great time interacting with all the other babies (and adults)! We definitely have a couple social kiddos! We also checked out all the animals and Z spent some time in the petting zoo, which he loves. He begged to ride the ferris wheel, so I decided to ride it with him (I wanted to ride with him so bad last year, but couldn't because I was pregnant) and we had so much fun! He says Daddy is coming with us to ride it during the state fair. And, I got my curly fry brick and ice cream cone (well, to be fair-I shared the brick & everyone got a cone), so it was a great day. ;0)
Luckily, we have enjoyed some amazing weather this month (ok, so the last week was a little too amazing), so we've had lots of time at the park and in the water fountains.
Z having fun in the fountains at the Riverfront Park
Enjoying his 'firecracker' popsicle
Z taking a fountain break ;0)
We also became reacquainted with the Burkland Pool, in Turner. This is a great little outdoor pool that I frequented a lot when I was a kid. When Z asked to go to a pool one hot day, I decided to go check it out. He loved it, of course, but so did Avalee! She is a little water-baby and even 'swam' and dunked her head in several times. We've since been three times, and I know there will be more trips!
How stinkin' cute are these two?!
Miss Avalee licking the water
My little water baby!
And, the month ended with a bang when we spent five days camping by the river, I think I'll dedicate a whole blog just to our camping trip, so stay tuned! :0)
After reading this I am more tired than before. It is hard to believe we have done so much this summer. But both kids had a ball.