Today we woke up at 5AM (with the baby) and discovered it was SNOWING and sticking! When Z woke up at about 9AM, there was about a half inch to an inch of snow on the ground.
He got very excited and said “I see something outside!” I told him to go ahead and check it out. Once he saw the snow, he started screeching and yelling, “It's snow, SNOW!!” Colin was in the shower, so he ran to the bathroom exclaiming to him, “Snow Dad...SNOW! It's snow, snow, SNOW!”
I promised him we would go outside to play in it after I fed Avalee. He immediately ran off to get dressed (which is a miracle in itself, since it's usually a battle getting him dressed in the mornings) then started asking me at three minute intervals if it was time to go outside yet. ;0) In the meantime, he stood on the stool staring longingly outside.
Then the process of actually getting the three of us geared up to go outside was painstakingly long (for all of us). I had to stuff Avalee in her snowsuit, gather appropriate coats (Oregonians have several jackets for various weather types; rain, wind, cold, rain & cold, rain & wind, etc..., and you must have the proper type!), hats and gloves. Z was being patient, but kept asking, “Are you ready now Mom??”
We were finally ready, and when I opened the door, he took off like a shot (it reminded me of a dog who really needs to get outside to pee...LOL!). He started right in pelting me with snowballs, and I realized his dad must have taught him a thing or two, because he was very accurate!
After this guy and his grandson went to sled across the street, Z decided he just had to go to. I realized the stroller was in the car, which Colin took to work, so I had to carry A in the car seat across the street. I couldn't help Z launch off, because I had Avalee, and he was having some trouble. The guy told Z to come get on his sled and ride with his grandson (who was about Z's age). It was so nice, and both boys seem to really enjoy sledding together. They went down a few times, when Z decided he was too cold and wanted to go back home.
Z immediately turned on the fireplace, then asked for hot chocolate So, we ended up sitting in front of the fireplace wrapped up in blankets, drinking hot chocolate. :0)
Avalee 'enjoying' the snow. ;0)
Z & his new friend
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